Importance of the printer at work

szyldu i wizytówek, albo sklep c ciuchami bez ulotek? Nie ma opcji To jest po prostu konieczność. Właściwie to określenie gadżety reklamowe jest nomen omen niewłaściwe. Nie chodzi o to, żeby zarzucać klientów ulotkami, czy wciska

 Importance of the printer at work

I ty potrzebujesz ulotek!

Bez gadżetów reklamowych ani rusz. Zwłaszcza, jeśli prowadzisz jakiś sklep, albo oferujesz jakieś usługi "dla ludności". No bo jak to - fryzjer bez szyldu i wizytówek, albo sklep c ciuchami bez ulotek? Nie ma opcji To jest po prostu konieczność. Właściwie to określenie gadżety reklamowe jest nomen omen niewłaściwe. Nie chodzi o to, żeby zarzucać klientów ulotkami, czy wciskać im wizytówki. Dobrze, żeby dać ludziom znać, że tutaj, o tak - właśnie tutaj, jest nowy sklep z fajnymi ciuchami. Albo solarium. Albo sklep z winem. Albo... No, dopiszcie sobie cokolwiek.

About DTP Operators

The DTP operator is a responsible person in printers, publishing houses and wherever materials are printed in large quantities, for the correct preparation of files that will be printed. The task is easy and simple in theory, however, one small error of the DTP operator and the circulation of several thousand copies of newspapers can be thrown away. In this work, many things may go wrong: change of paper for another, new printer with other inks, incorrect conversion of colors. There are also typo errors, bad placement of some element or just a few details. All this can end very badly and bring big losses - so it's work under stress and tension, because if something goes wrong it usually will be just for the DTP operator.


Paper in printing and printing is probably the most important thing next to paints. Without it, printing would not be possible. Paper as a material has been known since 105, n. E., That is for a very long time. However, it was not until the twentieth century that more and more types of paper for various applications were invented.

And now we have paper chalked, white, slippery, coated with plastics, etc. All this to achieve different results of advertising and journalistic printing. The end result of the printed item depends on the choice of paper, its durability and durability.

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